June Update

-added a grappling hook or swing level to the early "tutorial" section of the game.  It's right after the jetpack level in the beginning.
-added a Ping ability.  

To Ping, hit F on your keyboard or Y on your controller.  Pinging will make rings emanate from doors so that you can find where the doors are in the more open world section of the game.  Pinging uses energy.

-started to update the lighting in the game.  The lighting in the beginning should hopefully look better.  This update has downgraded some of the lighting in the later levels (open, main world section), but that should hopefully all be updated in the next build.
-added some more music to the game
-fixed some bugs and made some other small improvements here and there.


City_of_Murals_Windows 8.6 GB
Version 4 Jun 17, 2019

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